Briefing Form
For each
case, determine the core question or issue that led the court to decide the
case in favor of one party or the other. Then determine how the course answered
that question: this is the court’s “holding.” What was the court’s reasoning or
rationale for its holding? If you treat the holding as a conclusion, what basic
legal principle did the court rely in its rationale. This principle is the Rule
of the Case or the ratio decidendi.
after determining all of the above elements of the opinion, give a short
(“brief”) description of the basic facts of the case that the court used to
explain its reasoning. You should select your facts last, not first.
Rule/Ratio Decidendi/Major Premise:
Minor Premise(s)—the facts that
directly relate to the elements of the rule:
Conclusion/Holding—same holding as above:
Facts relevant to the issue and
holding: __________________________________________________________________________________________________